What if? This is why I strive to say thank you, I love you, repent my sins and forgive those who sin against me every night before I go to sleep. Praise God for this day! Amen

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Having a heavenly mindset and knowing any day could be our last is a good mindset. It helps us focus on the right things! Thanks so much for reading and contributing to the conversation!

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What you are saying has really hit me over the last few years.. And not only due to the loss of my mother (age 59) in 2020 and my only sister (age 29) in 2022!! Now in 2024 I got to witness my fiance pass away (age 52) before my very eyes in our own home only a few short months ago.. I am currently not well myself, but I will continually pray for healing of my body, spirit, soul, heart and mind.. I have been preparing and I am ready to be with my Lord and Savior and also my beloved 🩵🙏 https://youtu.be/QrWuboX1oZ0?si=gDe3wNdtE_9r_qFB

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I am so sorry you have went through such grief. I can't imagine what you've experienced and are experiencing now with your poor health. I'm so glad you have the Lord, you know what is most important. I went to your link and I loved Southern Raised. I love that song.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Liked by Kate Dreston

I requested that song to be played at my fiance's funeral because he enjoyed it very much 🥹🩵

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You have inspired me. I am going to write a post on this subject. I had a very interesting event occur in my life some 3 years ago now.

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I look forward to reading it!

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Jun 18Liked by Kate Dreston

Every now and then, I find it helpful to step back and ask this question. Thanks for the nudge, Kate. And I am so glad you recovered from this!

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Jun 17Liked by Kate Dreston

I've never had a near-death experience, so I appreciate the lesson from yours, Kate! Praise God he has provided the way to eternal life through his Son Jesus. We have no need to fear death--such a wonderful relief!

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You are so right! Thank you for reading and being a part of the conversation.

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Happy birthday on both counts!

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A sobering reminder of the brevity of this life... I am 71, but today, I am celebrating my 43rd Spiritual birthday.

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The burdens of this world would be fallen away, and I would no longer be broken by them.

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The burdens of this world can be so heavy sometimes. Thanks for reading Ian!

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Amen. Right on!

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So glad you found God as a result of whatever you went through. God bless.

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I had a scare as a youthful man, all of 20 years young and careless. Experimenting with illicit substances in a nearly lethal combination. The heart was arrhythmic for approx 15-20 minutes, and I considered the real possibility that I was on the way out. The mind darted back and forth, 'should I go to ER?'; is it really that serious? ...It was that serious, but I didn't realize at that moment that I had come to a fork in the road regarding health, the value of the gift (life), and the call for a radical change in direction. Some folks might call this a 'come to Jesus/Yeshua moment.' I felt blessed following the event as the heart returned to its proper rhythm. As a result, I made choices that altered the social patterns I was once identified with--and I left the ugly drug culture behind. I was called to embrace healthier habits- I fasted; I meditated; enrolled in college courses; studied philosophy; fell in love with a beautiful woman; traveled out of state (eventually out of country as well.) Looking back I can see that the 'death's door' event was the moment I began an authentic conversation with God (and a few guardian angels)-- praying for my life, and seeking self-forgiveness (having been so stupid for making bad choices, etc). That moment when I felt I might not exist (in this lifetime, that is) anymore, was the moment I knew my life had value. That's not to suggest that I haven't dealt with the ups and downs and roller coaster ride along the way. Lately I'm processing the madness in the world like everyone else. Since I write about AI and the Technocratic disorder as a matter of routine, it just came to me as I read this article--that George Lucas explored the 'AI=God' narrative in his earliest sci-fi film, "THX 1138." In that film (before the internet and Smartphones, and before Bank screens and electronic terminals were everywhere)people would go to screens (similar to ATMs) and ask Jesus (an electronic image) for help. How far we've come...and yet...could people be deceived by mimicry if it was CGI, or AI fabricated and as real as a nano-chip embedded in a human's brain? Blessings, and thanks for publishing this article!

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You have quite a story, I appreciate you reading and commenting to be a part of the conversation. I'm glad you were able to realize the road you were going down and change directions!

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We often get support when we ask for it! Divine guidance is worth its weight in gold. blessings...

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Jun 12Liked by Kate Dreston

Good reminder Kate, especially that I have loved ones who are not ready.

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Watching those you love not be ready is heartbreaking. We pray their eyes would be opened before it's too late!

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Kate Dreston

If I am ever unsure what to do when it comes to decision-making, I always say “what would you do? If you only had six months to live“ honestly I wouldn’t change a thing. I always let people know when I care about them. I always try to help those in need, I’m always honest. Yes, that gets me in trouble sometimes but I honestly don’t think there’s much I would change at all

Keep your family close and keep God closer. ❤️

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I like how you think Fayanne! Thanks for commenting and being a part of the conversation.

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Thank you very much, Kate. That’s a very sweet thing to say.

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Jun 12Liked by Kate Dreston

A thought provoking question for sure. Whenever I ponder it, I know that I am ready to meet Jesus, whenever that day may be. No longer do I fear the thought of dying but know that, in Him, I will live on. I am so glad that He had a purpose for you here on earth and that our paths would cross. ❤️ Blessings my friend!

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Beautiful! ❤️. God saved your life for such a time as this! I long to hear the words from our Lord, “Well done my good and faithful servant.” The gift of salvation and Gods love for us, is the greatest gift of all. 🙏

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Very thought provoking... glad you are OK.

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