Aug 29Liked by Kate Dreston

Great day- thank you God!

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I totally agree nothing is too hard for The Lord, BUT what we want isn't always God's will. He has His purpose for everything under the sun. Including for each one of us.

If we start believing "If my faith and trust in God are strong enough, it (whatever "it" is...) will happen because nothing is too hard for God.", we are in danger of thinking we can EARN God's blessings when we absolutely cannot. He has made this crystal clear.

Why? Because then it would be our own work and not God's will shaping our lives and that is a slippery slope to hell.

Jesus told us in the end times His true believers would be persecuted just as He was persecuted. Some unto death. We must accept His will always even when we don't like it or understand it and never for one moment think we, through our faith in Him or anything else, are in control.

He knows full well what each of wants and needs. He does what is best out of love for us. That may seem hard to understand or to see but it's true regardless.

Thank you for your article. God Bless.

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Yes, just because we believe that God can, doesn't mean we get what we want. God will always do what He wants. And that is for our best. The point of my devotional was to provide encouragement that when our situations seem hopeless, there is nothing too hard for God and He can see us through. Thank you so much for reading and contributing to the conversation!

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God does see us through though that's hard for us to see in hard circumstances of suffering and loss.

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deletedAug 23
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Thank you for your comment. I see this mindset of "if your faith is strong and you love God your life will be blessed", as it bleeds into even the attitudes of churches and believers as they regard themselves highly and distance themselves from those who are suffering or "less blessed". Holding the sufferer accountable due to lack of faith or weakness of character. It's terrible. Jesus said no such thing. He said the exact opposite. The only blessing is the blessing of salvation given freely to each one of us who comes to Jesus and humbly asks. The rest is neither here nor there.

I agree. It's new age garbage and demonic to the core. I also see people ignoring the fact the King James of the KJV Bible, whose name printed on every single copy, was a violent homosexual. Why did God allow this?

Perhaps to remind us that regardless of how high and mighty we think ourselves by quoting scripture and using it to our own ends, we are quoting from a book that has very low origins and though it's a great tool given to us to help us, it is also a product of this fallen world and never to be worshipped.

Don't get me wrong, I love God's Word. The Word made Flesh. Jesus Christ.

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Truly inspiring

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That's because our God is truly AMAZING!

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This is wonderful. I really needed it today. There really is nothing that is too hard for God to do. Thank you, Sister. God bless.

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I needed reminded of His unlimited power too.

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21Liked by Kate Dreston

I had nine surgeries in 2021, 2022. I can walk again today. Still healing but He does it! Isaiah 53.

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That is wonderful Rebecca, Praise the Lord! Thank you for sharing it!

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This is reminding me of a phrase in a Psalm: Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses. From Psalm 107, I just read this morning. No matter their situation, four times He delivers them, showing His mercy and goodness. Praise God nothing is to difficult for Him.

Appreciated the audio, well done!

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Thanks for adding that, I love it when readers add to the devotional!

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"It’s one thing to intellectually know the Lord can do anything. It’s another thing to live like we know it."

I love this.

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Sometimes, we forget how big of a God we serve!

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Aug 21Liked by Kate Dreston

Very needed, with a sick baby it's important to know and live with a strong belief God can do anything!

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God is cradling your son in His capable hands. We are praying sweet friend.

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Aug 21Liked by Kate Dreston

Thank you! 🙏

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Aug 21Liked by Kate Dreston


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Aug 21Liked by Kate Dreston

Thank you!!!!!&

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