Hi Kate, thanks for sharing. This topic is always coming up with Christians - so much so, that I had to really think, study, and pray about it. The thing to remember is that our sin was washed away by the blood of Jesus. That is the gospel truth. So, what is this sin that we talk about?.. it is the purification process. We are being sanctified day by day. When we live guided by the Holy Spirit, these things will happen less and less. When we are not abiding, it happens.. but the more vigilant we are about being filled with the spirit and trying to plan our days so that we are not overburdened the better we will become. A slip like that is just a sign of being out of alignment. As a believer, we can be restored quickly - we learn and move on. It is possible to live a sinless life. Jesus did it, so we can too, but only if we die to ourselves and take up our cross daily.

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I am always failing to do what( I feel my insides almost scream out in frustration @ me)I know I have every reason to succeed in doing. This has a lot to do with procrastination, and being in a rut that I hate passionately most times, however return to bc on some carnal Christian level comforts me. I love God so much and want so badly to submit more completely to Him. The Holy Spirit is so gentle yet persistent. I am making headway, I just have to ,like u said stay in constant contact w/Jesus to help.Sometimes with the most ridiculously small tasks.I have more hope as the distress, from world and losses in my personal life(my dog died 1wk b4 Christmas) although the pain is intense, I am soooo grateful to have this happen bc I know God is using it to bring me closer. Comfort has never been a very powerful growth tool for me as a Christian. God has a plan for all of us .Thanks for your post it made me feel not alone, & am thankful 4 reminder to study Galatians.Be blessed

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Thanks for commenting Davis. First of all, I am so sorry about your dog. I know how devastating that is.

Your struggle is something all Christians deal with so it's good we can help and encourage each other. You keep on keepin on! God is working in all of us and one day we will leave these struggles behind for a perfect heaven. I look forward to that day!

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Amen to that.Thanks again and God Bless.Chin up, Stay courageous.

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Pray without ceasing. That's God's advice. Works pretty well. Of course you are human. He's not.

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I do not feel called to do mini-devotionals. Thank YAH for you and Matthew Adams, we are all one. I just completed a full essay on this very topic and others from Romans 4-8.

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I will check that out!

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Paul cried out with anguish in a similar manner. Read Romans chapters 7 & 8 as ONE chapter. (all chapter and verse #'s were man-made) Pay close attention to:

Romans 7:24 - 8:2

[24] Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? 25 Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin.

[1] There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. [2] For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. (ESV)

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Thank you for adding this! I can only cover so much in a mini-devotional so I love it when people comment. :)

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Jan 31Liked by Kate Dreston

This is me everyday. Not sure if this is true because I'm a baby Christian at an advanced age. Thank you!💖

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It doesn't just happen to baby Christians, I've been saved 41 years! We won't be sinless until this life is over. But we keep trying and we keep moving forward! Thanks so much for reading and commenting.

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The struggle is real. I’m so thankful for God’s grace and forgiveness.

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where would be without it? Thanks for reading Michelle!

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He is the potter and we are the clay. He promises to break off every branch that does not produce good fruit. Thank God He loves us anyway! ❤️. I think of the old song 🎶. He’s still working on me. 😊

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I love that song "He's Still Working on Me," an oldie but a goodie! :)

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Yes, it always seems to make you smile. We know we aren’t anything without Him. He’s the only perfect one. 🙏

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I frequently advise people that sinning every day is a part of life. We all make mistakes, sometimes even when we know what the right thing is. We're bound to fail many times, but God is aware of this. He doesn't judge us solely on whether we're perfect or not. God looks deeper, at what's in our hearts. It's crucial to ask for forgiveness when we realize we've sinned, and this may be a daily occurrence. Many young Christians struggle with self-criticism because achieving perfection is, in reality, impossible. But the Christian journey isn't about reaching perfection. It's about striving to live a life that reflects Jesus' teachings and character. It's challenging and we might not always make it, but the more effort we put in, the closer we come to embodying Christ-like qualities.

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well said Jason!

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