What a great idea! Who doesn't have a minute? I really like how this speaks to me. I really am in a season of "lostness" since a recent loss. Grief has disheveled me a bit. This really ministered to me. Thank you for this.

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I am so sorry for your loss. Grief is a powerful thing. And everyone deals with it differently. God tells us He is close to the brokenhearted. (Psalm 34:18) I'm so glad God spoke to you, that's all a writer can ask for.

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Jul 15Liked by Kate Dreston

This is so great! I love how you took 3 very big problems that people face and provided very great, simple and concise advice based on God's word. Well done!

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Thanks for reading Dana and thank you for your kind words!

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Jul 15Liked by Kate Dreston

What is God’s will for us? “Rejoice always;  pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (I Thess. 5:16-18). I heard a VOM missionary call this our RPG—Rejoice always, Pray without ceasing, and Give thanks in every circumstance.

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I forgot to mention that they are free. 23 years ago, a co-worker - who learned that I was a Gideon Bible distributor - asked me a serious question. He said that he had “stolen” a Gideon Bible from a Hotel Room and asked what their policy on “stolen Bibles” is. I told him that the Gideons rejoice when someone wants a Bible and that we are happy to replace “missing” Bibles.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Author

You're right, a stolen Bible is a GOOD thing! :)

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Every Gideon Bible or small, personal NT+Psalms&Proverbs, contains a topical “Helps” section in the front pages. These Bibles can be found in Hotel rooms & hospitals and the small ones are distributed at High Schools & College Campuses from public property. Also available online.


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I appreciate the Gideon Bible ministry. It has helped so many!

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Jul 10Liked by Kate Dreston

Thank you for the reassurances here, Kate. Praise God we can count on me to supply all our needs (Philippians 4:19)--the need for guidance, strength, endurance, and so much more!

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That is so true Nancy!

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Jul 25Liked by Kate Dreston

Oh dear--"We can count on ME?!!" However did I type that?! I trust you know I meant HIM--the only One who can supply all our needs!!

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I knew what you meant! :)

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Exactly. Well written. Thx.

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Wow! I just wrote this scripture in the sequel of WHEN JESUS CALLS and have been talking about this for a few days now with others. ❤️🙏

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How cool is that?

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1 Corinthians 6:17 ❤️🙏

17 But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit.

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