Aug 14Liked by Kate Dreston

Finally putting Christ first in my life, telling the truth, and Divorcing my narcissistic, professing Christian spouse after decades of trying to love, serve, and submit to the man (as I’d been taught was my role and responsibility as a Christian Wife/home-maker) was worse than death. Two of my grown children no longer speak with me, and do not allow me to have any contact with 5 of my grandchildren. Devastating losses…. But grieve them and be on about the Father’s business in the present is the only sane/healthy option. Thanks for talking about this Kate.

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I am so sorry for the hurt and painful situation you are in. Thank you so much for sharing your story with the readers.

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That was the “bad news.” The “good news” is that while I was in recovery ten years ago from the clinical depression and 3 suicide attempts that “submitting” to narcissistic abuse eventually led to in 2014/15, the Lord drew in closer to me, and drew me closer to Him, than I ever dreamed possible! He told me so clearly that I was not the only woman this sort of thing had happened to, and told me He was going to heal me in time, and raise me up to be the friend and counselor for others that I had so deeply longed for throughout my life as the wife of a narcissistic abuser, but had never been able to find.

He kept His promise; today I am a licensed and ordained Chaplain who specializes in DVA advocacy and offering Biblically sound counsel to women, free of charge, who are experiencing situations similar to the one the Lord miraculously delivered me from, comforting others as the Lord comforted me. The cost of surrendering my life completely to Christ was high….but our Pearl of Great Price, is worthy.🙏✝️🕊️☝️

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I read somewhere the other day that our scars are a sermon! May God bless you and keep you! God is healing your heart and you are being a blessing to others. 🙏🙌❤️

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19

Thank you for the encouragement Martha – – I smiled when I read this, because yesterday when I shared a message with the group of elderly that I facilitate Sunday morning worship service for, I did point to the scars on my wrists as I shared with them that over a decade ago I was as sad, and depressed as some of them

are, and yet Jesus did not abandon me, or view me as worthless during that period when I believed/felt my life had no value or meaning, as satan routinely tempts the aged among us to believe/feel.

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Stay strong Janet! ❤️🙏

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Aug 19Liked by Kate Dreston

In our weaknesses, His strength is perfected.🥰✝️🕊️

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you have quite a story!

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