These are great reminders of a recommended response to awful challenges. It seems there are so so many of these double-whammy, triple whammy turbo cancer health threats everywhere the last 3 years 🧐or so (in addition to the horrifying excess death statistics). I think the Lord is calling us to get serious about our faith and life in Him!

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Jun 3Liked by Kate Dreston

God is Sovereign and has control over everything. No matter the situation or circumstance, praise Jesus for being a perfect comforter in times of suffering.

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We have to keep going back to the throne. He honors our faith in times of trouble. Thanks for reminding us, Kate.

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May 29Liked by Kate Dreston

The timing of this post

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Thank you for this.

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Waiting patiently is what I find most challenging at times. But, I'm learning to be fully present in those moments, instead of dwelling on how I want things to turn out. This has allowed me to experience God first-hand as He quiets my thoughts, and guides me through those moments. Thank you for posting.

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those are good words Ray, thanks for reading and commenting!

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May 29·edited May 29Liked by Kate Dreston

Amen. Through all he challenges of the past few years, I have found peace in "be still and know that I am God," which has also given me hope and (at times) patience. God bless.

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What a testimony to God's faithfulness!

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deletedMay 29
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I'm so sorry for whatever situation has come into your life. I prayed for you that you would truly feel God's presence and peace to help you through one day at a time.

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