The way to be saved is ONE and that is the same for every individual. It is to break down completely and surrender to the love sacrifice of Jesus where He made the payment in His Holy blood. It is to become a new creature. Whoever denies that payment and doesn't understand this transformation still doesn't know what true love is.

That is the only way to enter in true Christianity and start this race. Joining a labeled denomination doesn't mean anything. And the leaders who are staying silent on that issue are the real criminals because they give people bad poisonous drinks while these people are desperately seeking fresh pure water, something that ONLY JESUS GIVES.

Is is extremely saddening and frustrating. May God give me His grace & patience to help me deal with these particular wolves in sheep's clothing hypocrites and criminals.

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When you have that heart for God which doesn't allow you to compromise, don't you think God knows it? He conceived us from before we were born. And He has shown me how there are some whom He loves, that will NOT be part of what is today recognized by man as acceptable and legitimate Christian groups.

No dear friends, God can take up stones and make of them Christians. He can by His unlimited grace turn criminals into real saints.

Let's not hide behind religion and denominations! God sees our hearts. And unless these hearts of stone have been broken down to pieces and been transformed into spiritual hearts of flesh, we are just pure fakes.

That is why prostitutes will get in before religious hearts. Why? Because some prostitutes know that they can't even lift their eyes to look at the feet of the Holy lamb of God while the religious hide their pride under fake external holiness.

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The church didn't have a label "Catholic", "Orthodox", "Evangelical", "baptist", "protestant", etc.. they have the Spirit of God in them and that is what made them Christian. But of course who can hear this except those who already received the enlightening Spirit?

And I even refuse to associate with one label just to distance myself from other labels which are further from the truth. Why? Because if I do that, I would be removing focus from what it truly takes to be a true Christian which is to be a FOLLOWER OF JESUS CHRIST, the King of kings who LIVES today, who wants to guide His sheep today through His Holy Spirit.

I surely have not reached perfection and I lack in many areas. God is still working in and on me. He is still correcting my sometimes wandering mind but one thing He doesn't allow me to be and that is someone who compromises the truth for the sake of "Christian fellowship". Not that Christian fellowship is wrong but I am aware of not compromising what is true so that you can be surrounded by a "Christian fellowship". Any lie we allow is a lie we will be held accountable for. We better make sure God wants us there.

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As long as labels and denominations take precedence over Jesus Christ, deception will prevent countless people from truly knowing God and being saved.

"What church do you belong to?"

"What denomination are you?"

"Which fellowship do you attend?"

"You don't belong to a church?"

All purely human questions!

Is Christ Divided?

How were people saved in the church beginnings?

The apostles of Jesus didn't create some group with a label and said "whoever joins our group will be saved". The apostles had to make sure of one thing: that each person coming to them should repent, believe, get baptized in water and receive the Holy Spirit.

And the church didn't have a specific location, a physical temple, they gathered in homes and on the streets.

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